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The milestones in the life of our school
Opening of the school
MSM became the first educational institution to apply AMI standard in Russia.
In our first Casa dei Bambini classroom there were just 6 students, and most of them were foreigners. Valentina invited Joanne King to help her launch the school, and Joanne played a formative role in what MSM has become. She was the first foreigner in Russia to have AMI diplomas in working with children from 3 to 6 and from 6 to 12 years old.
On the list of 10 best preschools in Moscow
Forbes online Russia has prized our work highly by including our project on their list of 10 best preschools in Moscow.
"Only those can get a job at Montessori School of Moscow for whom the Montessori philosophy becomes a life's work."
Getting trained abroad by AMI
Following the recommendations of our international mentors, MSM employees went to study in the USA after the first year of work. Eleonora enrolled in the AMI 0-3 course in Denver, and Valentina completed NAMTA training for school administrators in San Diego.
Valentina turned out to be the first representative of Russia to be trained according to the school administration standard laid down in the USA in partnership between NAMTA and MAA - it later formed the basis of the AMI administrative course.
Susan Stephenson at MSM
The arrival of the world-famous AMI expert has become a significant event for the entire Montessori community in Russia.
Susan noted a high level of culture in Russia and at the same time the tendency on the part of parents to overprotect their children. Here are some excerpts from a conversation with her: "... from the very beginning of life, children want to do everything that they see people around them do", "independent acting ... leads to independent thinking and responsibility and very strong self-image. So that's one area, where I think Montessori will have a lot to offer to people in Russia."
First Charity Bazaar
An initiative of our parents, which became a tradition, later included also a charity auction of artwork.
International representatives of the MSM parent community began to form the school's traditions in accordance with the best world practices, for which we are very grateful to them! Our first bazaar was organised to support of the Center for Curative Pedagogics in Moscow.
Valentina appointed head of the Moscow branch of the Montessori Public Fund (AMI affiliate in Russia)
She was in this position until 2017.
Workshop by Peter Davidson
This event became a significant gathering not only for the Russian Montessori community, but also for our colleagues from other countries.
The workshop for Montessori school administrators was held in Russia for the first time and became an unprecedented international event. Among almost 60 people in attendance there were both heads of Russian-speaking schools from different countries, as well as representatives of the USA, France, Romania and the island of Mauritius.
Launch of the Elementary program
MSM launches a Montessori Elementary program for children who are 6-12 years old.
This was the first experience in Russia of organizing an Elementary program with the participation of an international specialist. Despite the difficulties in its implementation, we managed!

We thank Svetlana Chashnikova from Grata Montessori School for her support and cooperation during the second year of this program. By uniting for the development of this program for the benefit of the entire Russian Montessori community, our schools have gained invaluable experience together.
MSM's first "International Day"
The celebration of the "International Day" broadens our horizons, draws attention to cultural diversity, history and the environment.
"International Day" unites our community, giving our families a chance to get to know each other better and admire the variety of projects created by children, their knowledge and creative abilities, and is also a testimony to the patience and dedication of our teachers.
More than a 100 children at MSM!
In order to pass this milestone, it took a little less than 8 years. So proud!
Second Elementary class
The school continued to develop and the demand for elementary education increased.
"Real Deal" bazaar
Our 6-12 and 12-15 students began selling their products at this bazaar, which now takes place 2 times a year.
This bazaar is combined with a picnic for the entire school community. It becomes a central event for which families prepare in advance. Dancing, games, performances by invited artists - these are some of the activities that accompany us during this festival of our students' entrepreneurship!
Our school is 10 years old!
On our first signboard (in 2009), there was an inscription: Moscow Montessori Preschool.
Already in the first months of our work, we realized that we should not limit ourselves to this age group and changed the name. And we did the right thing! Ahead of us was a path full of adventures, active growth and deep development. We are grateful to everyone who has been and remains part of our community!
Montessori Adolescent program
We launched Middle School for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 years.
Svetlana Makeeva has been an active contributor to the life of MSM from the very beginning of our work. 10 years after our inception she completed her training and practical internship at the Montessori Center for Work and Study in Sweden. This allowed us to launch the first Montessori adolescent program in Moscow in collaboration with internationally renowned mentors who develop the AMI standard for this age. At the first stage, there were only two students in the program, and together with Svetlana they did a lot of work to shape this wonderful program.
A Montessori 150 conference
What was originally planned as an onsite event with the participation of our international mentors, in reality and with the restrictions imposed by COVID19 turned out to be an opportunity for us to try a new format. The online conference "The Montessori Adult: a service to self, children and humanity" has become a real happening for both parents and professionals.
The speakers at the conference were Peter Davidson, Kathy Minardi and Lesley-Ann Patrick. We thank them and our entire team for how effective, professional and high-quality this event turned out to be. You can purchase conference recordings by following the link.
MSM Field Camp
We started organising winter and summer field camps for our students without the participation of parents. For children, these provide new skills and a new level of independence! Thank you for your trust!
Our school's NFT collection
The first project in Russia to create and sell a series of NFT tokens based on drawings by Montessori Elementary students.
We are 15 years old!
Now we are the same age as the age up to which we offer programs!
Valentina Nosenko (Zaytseva)
"I first heard about the Montessori method in 1999 at Tufts University, where I studied in the master's program. My French literature professor was talking about how her little daughter was having a wonderful time at one of the Montessori schools in Cambridge. I remembered this story."
Valentina Nosenko (Zaytseva)
"I first heard about the Montessori method in 1999 at Tufts University, where I studied in the master's program. My French literature professor was talking about how her little daughter was having a wonderful time at one of the Montessori schools in Cambridge. I remembered this story."
When I became a mother myself, I soon decided to figure out what this method was and whether it could work for my son too. In 2007, I started attending various classes for babies with parents that were available in Moscow, and came to the conclusion that I needed something different.
At the John Harvard monument in 1997
MSM team in 2009
Receiving my AMI diploma in 2015
A Montessori school in Moscow that could unite representatives of different countries and cultures
Since I had my own experience of living, studying and working in international communities, I decided to create a Montessori school in Moscow that could unite representatives of different countries and cultures. At that time, I was going to family meetings at the International Women's Club, where my son and I made new friends whose company we enjoyed. There I told one of the mothers about my plans, and it turned out that her wonderful family lived not far from the place where I planned to open a school. Having secured her support and trust, I began to gather a team.
In 2009, there were no specialists in the Montessori method in Russia at the level of training that interested me. I personally conducted an international search and invited Joanne King, a native of Wales, who had worked in Japan and Thailand and studied in India.

She turned out to be one of the first holders of the special visa status of the HSS in our country, and also knew how to effectively work with families who move from one country to another every few years.
English language
We immediately relied on ensuring that both Russian and English languages were equally represented and worked together in our environment, since Russian culture, connections with the international professional community and the opportunity to provide our students with the most comfortable adaptation during the transition to other schools (Montessori and not only), no matter what country they are located in, are all important to us..
The AMI standard
In the first year of work, we built the program from scratch and really needed support and confidence that we were moving in the right direction. From the very beginning, we found it with experienced mentors in the international community of AMI specialists and school leaders. At first we communicated remotely, and then invited them for observations and consultations and went abroad to take training ourselves.
With our help, the AMI standard spread in Russia, other people attended events organized by us and began to actively study at international courses and open programs throughout the Russian-speaking territories. Participants from other countries of the world came to us only because the speakers we invited had never previously held events in Europe.
We are grateful to all our families and colleagues for our journey together!
The principles that guide our work were developed through our own experience and each time confirm how universal and holistic the Montessori method is. How capable is it, with its professional and thoughtful application, of ensuring the full development of each child.
Big thanks!
People who played a significant role in the development of our school:
  • Joanne King
    Collaborated with us in the first 5 years of work and ensured the establishment of MSM as an AMI-standard platform.
  • Elena Fedosova-Gonidi
    In her role as head of MSM in 2014-2018, she supported the development of our programs on the foundation laid initially.
  • Ksenia Kholmovskaya
    Our wonderful administrator, event planner and then Toddler program director. Together with her husband Sergei Kondrashin, they made a significant contribution to the development and strengthening of our community and helped us launch on-site eco-camps in the most beautiful places in the world.
  • Maria Fedotova
    Reliable assistant, administrator, vocal teacher for children. She helped us in any areas where we needed support.
  • Ms. Rhoda Snyder
    From 2014-2021 she was the key member of our Casa dei Bambini program and raised many wonderful children (and adults) by setting a great example.