Emotions matter!
"The ability to recognize, understand, label, express and
regulate our emotions is called "Emotional Intelligence."

It is a capacity that directly impacts being successful in life.
If we are skilled in emotional intelligence it will impact our capacity
to think clearly, to learn powerfully, and to interact positively
and productively in our interpersonal relationships.

Emotions matter!
"The ability to recognize, understand, label, express and
regulate our emotions is called "Emotional Intelligence."

It is a capacity that directly impacts being successful in life.
If we are skilled in emotional intelligence it will impact our capacity
to think clearly, to learn powerfully, and to interact positively
and productively in our interpersonal relationships.

This Emotional Intelligence program is developed and researched at the Yale University Center for Emotional Intelligence directed by Dr. Marc Brackett and his team.
Parents can learn to foster this skill at home with their children of all ages. Parents, as well as teachers, enjoy the interactive methods with their child and they actually benefit in their adult and family life as well.
This Emotional Intelligence program is developed and researched at the Yale University Center for Emotional Intelligence directed by Dr. Marc Brackett and his team.

What is RULER?
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER supports the entire school community in:

- Understanding the value of emotions
- Building the skills of emotional intelligence
- Creating and maintaining a positive school climate
Parents can learn to foster this skill at home with their children at all ages. Parents, as well as teachers, enjoy the interactive methods with their child and they actually benefit in their adult
and family life as well.
What is RULER?
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER supports the entire school community in:

- Understanding the value of emotions
- Building the skills of emotional intelligence
- Creating and maintaining a positive school climate
The RULER approach is now recognized around the world and is changing the lives of families and schools.
Get inspired!
The RULER Program
The course costs RUB 3000.
Session 1: Introduction to RULER
Session 2: Teaching the Mood Meter
Includes teaching kinds of conversations with children in specific situations.
Session 3: Doing a Family Charter
During this session we learn what is a family charter, how to do it and to keep it going.
Session 4: MetaMoment
This session teaches what to do when triggered.
Session 5: Blueprint
During this session we learn to create a blueprint for conflict resolution.
Session 6: Follow up
Participants share their experiences of implementing The RULER in their daily lives. There are special guests invited by Kathy.
  • Kathy Minardi
    Emotional Intelligence Trainer and Montessori Leadership Educator with Whole School Leadership Institute
    Kathy directs several cohorts of school leaders through comprehensive training in Montessori Leadership, Instructional Leadership and School Culture, Change Management Theory and Practice.
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