Music development
For 3-6 y.o. children - on Wednesdays
3:45 - 5:15 pm
Music development
For 3-6 y.o. children - on Wednesdays
3:45 - 5:15 pm
During these classes children will be learning songs with movements as well as songs in different languages, they will get acquainted with various music styles and their history. In addition, these classes will contain exercises for training hearing, sense of rhythm and developing musical sense.
Benefits of the classes
The development of both hemispheres of the brain. Perfection of musical hearing through acapelic singing

Singing with movements, dance, declaming poems form a sense of rhythm and a complete aesthetic understanding of music
Songs and poems in different languages of the world form a susceptibility to languages and expand horizons
Lily Fantaina
Lily is a professional violin teacher. She has diplomas from a music school and a conservatory, as well as an international certificate of violin teacher according to the S. Suzuki method. Lily was trained in this method at international master classes.
She performed with students in London at the Albert Hall.
She worked as a violin teacher in China for 2 years.

Lily conducts classes in a musical and playful way, accompanied by violin and piano.
"People often assume that rhythmic ability and good hearing is what you were born with, but research tells us otherwise. As in many developmental areas, rhythm and ear for music are the result of both genetics and the environment. that the development of hearing and rhythm is a normal process that will help a child to move to the next level in terms of perception and reproduction of music. "
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